I hope you aren't looking to these posts to be sequential . . . my fickle focus and constant drive to keep working on projects means that I need to post any time I'm inspired to share . . . and my feet/back are sore from Go! Go! Go! We spent three days, two nights on the Oregon coast . . .
After spending 4-5 days driving from Colorado to Hillsboro, Oregon we were only 1-2 hours from the coast. So, after a little bit of indoor plumbing and visiting with the "adult" version of Xavier that is my buddy Jared, we HAD to make the last push to spend a few days at the beach.
I had hoped to camp on the beach, but found that car camping along the Northern Oregon coast is prohibited in cities and within a few miles of all state parks . . . which is pretty much ALL of this portion of the coast.
No worries. After how game Xavier had been to camping in the bed of my truck for most of the trip, a few nights in a hotel on the coast is a well-justified "luxury".
This was our best day at the beach / exploring tidal pools as Xavier found a kindred, and even more fearless, soul in seeking out these elusive crustaceans.
This boy and his mother had been traveling for close to a month from Chicago, coming south through the Olympic Peninsula and it's many wonders, to encounter us in our afternoon exploration of low tides at Indian Beach.